Hi there! I’m Ammi (pronounced Amy) and I have been a calligraphy enthusiast since 2020. I embarked on this creative journey as a new mom seeking a fulfilling hobby. From mastering brush pens to exploring the world of iPad lettering, I like to prove that impeccable handwriting isn't a prerequisite for becoming a successful calligrapher. Beyond personal growth, I share my expertise with companies by adding a personalized touch to events like launch parties and leadership retreats. My home is also riddled with my calligraphy paraphernalia. When not engrossed in calligraphy, I’m chasing after my two kiddos (three if you count the pup), enjoying moments with my husband, or am delving into the suspenseful pages of a thriller. I am so excited to be teaching calligraphy classes and look forward to witnessing my students embark on their own artistic journeys. You can follow me on Instagram at @adornedbyammi or email me with any questions!